TMI Professional Code of Conduct






All TMI members agree to abide by the TMI Professional Code of Conduct

TMI is for professionals in destination management, defined as the activity of managing tourism in specific geographical locations for the economic, social and environmental benefit of the recipient business and residential communities.  When members join the Institute, they undertake to abide by our Code of Conduct which is intended to ensure that in all their professional activities, TMI members:

(a) Act with competence, honesty and integrity;

(b) Impartially exercise their independent professional judgement to the best of their skill and understanding;

(c) Discharge their duty to their employers, clients, colleagues and others with due care and diligence in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

(d) Do not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, creed, religion, disability or age and shall seek to eliminate such discrimination by others and to promote equality of opportunity;

(e) Do not bring the profession or the Tourism Management Institute into disrepute.

You can download the Code of Professional Conduct here.